Hello everyone! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I had one of the best christmas I have had in a long time! I got a lot of lovely presents, and I am really grateful for every single one of them. This year I think my family have really spoiled me, and I wanted to make a disclaimer that I am not trying to brag or boast in anyway shape or form, I am just really happy with what I got. This maybe a long post, so I will warn you now.
The first thing I got was Lush prodcuts, and I got a gift set from my best friend Annie, and in the gift set I got Cinders and Shooting Star. My mum got me Melting Snowman, Cinders, and this white one but I don't know the name of it.
The next thing I got was some Skincare and Sprays, and I got Soap and Glory shower gel's, a jack wills shower gel, a Soap and Glory body mist,anti bacterial wipes and a face mask from Avon. I also got one of the Soap and Glory christmas gift sets, and I think this one was the Citrus one, I am not sure on the name..x
I got some baking stuff from my sister, and she got me these 4 mint green mini china loaf tins, baking beans, and a cake tester. She also got me a vintage Minnie Mouse apron which I love so much.
I got vouchers and money for christmas, and I got £40 worth of Boots Vouchers, a £15 Primark Voucher, £10 H&M Voucher, and £60. I already spent £10 of my money... :)
The films I got this year was Frozen and The Fault In Our Stars.
I got 2 books this year and they were The Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes, and Zoella's new book Girl Online.
The next thing I got is 5 Bath and Body Works mini hand gel. I don't remember the names, but hopefully you will be able to see!
I am really happy with what I got for christmas and I am so grateful! I am going shopping tommorow so next week there will be a Shopping Haul! Hope you enjoyed!